You will quickly (no lengthy certification) experience the magic of personal and business growth for yourself and your internal or external clients. Here is how:
Trainers-Global Practitioner is an innovative alternative to going through a lengthy certification process to learn and deliver training and assessment on today's most critical in-demand topics and skills.
In addition to a complete workshop materials, with a Leader's Guide and a set of PowerPoint slides, you will get 10 assessments you can offer your team or sell to your clients for a profit. You may order more assessments to sell for continuous profit.
You also get a complete program that gives you materials and tactics to turn any training into a great learning experience, elevating your impact and income as a trainer.
Heart & Mind Learning (H&ML) is a new way to design and deliver training based on the following principles:
Heart & Mind Learning (H&ML) is a training design and delivery methodology that turns ordinary training sessions into exciting learning experiences . You will get it with your Practitioner Program. You will get the complete files of Facilitator's Guide and Slides.
Expect to deliver Exciting Learning Experiences from now on. No more boring, ordinary, no-impact training.
You start the process with our Heart & Mind Learning methodology with materials you keep and use forever to deliver amazing learning experiences on any topic.
You will learn from recorded webinars and receive the complete files that contain the Leader's Guide and PowerPoint Slides that you can use to incorporate into any training.
After significantly elevating your facilitation knowledge and skills with "Heart & Mind Learning" in step 1, you will start learning the workshop topic you selected.
You will have the complete materials to deliver your workshop virtually or face to face.
See below for the programs available.
Become a Trainers Global Practitioner to deliver the most needed topics today. You can choose any of the following programs, all come with 10 assessments you may sell for up to $79 each ($790 value) so you can start delivering world-class, corporate-quality training right away and make a profit:
3- with any of our programs, you get 10 pass-codes for online assessments you can offer your trainees or sell to your clients for up to $79 each ($790 value)
4- You may order additional assessments later at reduced price to sell for profit.
5- You may be featured in our newsletter sent to about 7000 readers/ organizations in the US and around the world with your contact information if you like.
6- You will continue to get help from our "Support" via emailed responses, advice, and ideas to help with any issues you have with the training materials or process.
Get everything you need to deliver training and assessment on emotional intelligence (EQ) as a Trainers-Global Practitioner. Comes with a Leader's Guide, Slides, 10 assessments you can sell and make profit, plus many other benefits at a significantly reduced price.
Get everything you need to deliver training and assessment on Leading with Intelligence as a Trainers-Global Practitioner. It covers three types of intelligence leaders need. Comes with a Leader's Guide, Slides, 10 assessments you can sell and make profit, more.
Get everything you need to deliver training and assessment as a Personality Strengths/ Trainers-Global Practitioner. Comes with a Leader's Guide, Slides, 10 assessments you can sell and make profit, plus many other benefits at a significantly reduced price.
Click to Learn More and Order Personality Strengths Practitioner
Get everything you need to deliver training and assessment on Happiness and Well-being as a Trainers-Global Practitioner. Comes with a Leader's Guide, Slides, 10 assessments you can sell and make profit, plus many other benefits at a significantly reduced price.
Get everything you need to deliver training and assessment on Growth Mindset + Creativity at Work as a Trainers-Global Practitioner. Comes with a Leader's Guide, Slides, 10 assessments you can sell and make profit, plus many other benefits at a significantly reduced price.
Get everything you need to deliver training and assessment on Employee Engagement / Change and Resilience as a Trainers-Global Practitioner. Comes with a Leader's Guide, Slides, 10 assessments you can sell and make profit, plus many other benefits at a significantly reduced price.
Click to Learn & Order Employee Engagement/Change/Resilience
Hi Francois: I had my first run of the Applying EQ at Work workshop with the management team of Samsung (a multinational Korean firm here in the Philippine with 4000 employees). The 2 day seminar worked really fine and they all left with so many "take home benefits" .
I am so proud to share this good news. Thanks for all the knowledge. I had so much fun imparting these skills to my participants. Best regards.
- Ging Igual, Consultant, The Philippines
American Public University System's Testimony:
The Humanext Bootcamp training was one of the best conference / workshops I have been to in years. Excellent conference / workshop!
Dr. Grady Batchelor, CM, CMC®
Associate Vice President, Center for Teaching & Learning,
American Public University System
"I have weaved some of the concepts (of HumaNext materials) into what I am doing here at the Army... (it) creates a cooperative and cohesive environment, where people are motivated to use their collective synergy to find solutions to their unique challenges."
- Andy Kirkpatrick,
CERDEC Executive Coaching Program Director Employee Resources Services US Army
The Trainers-Global Practitioner Program described above is for trainers who do not need coaching. But for persons who prefer to get personalized coaching as they learn the topic of their choice in-depth they can get certified as a HumaNext Partner at a higher f and get many of the benefits of the Practitioner Program.
Copyright © 2024 Humanext - All Rights Reserved.
disclaimer: our training & assessments are intended for learning and development not psychological diagnosis or therapy.