Start / Grow Your Own Training / Coaching Business with our Turn-key Program!
Your Options:
- You may buy a training franchise from others for $50,000 to $100,000 plus portions of your profit going to them.
- Or partner with HumaNext. Learn below about the options you have, all will help you turn your passion into profit with very affordable investment amounts.
6. Global Trainer Coach Certificate. You may order more assessments at a lower price and sell for profit.
7. Membership in 1001 Heroes of Human Potential Club with 10% discounts.
-1 to 7 - All the materials and benefits of the Global Trainer Coach Certificate in two Topics with its seven components and benefits
8- Two coaching sessions instead of one by HumaNext president to guide you on your training topic, facilitation and coaching delivery, marketing your services, and other business critical success factors.
($400 value)
9- Promoting you and your work two times to readers of our Humanext newsletter, many are directors of training in large / medium companies. ($400 value)
10- You will get 24 assessments to use or sell to your clients ($1580 value)
(Total Program Value Over $3000)
8. Three coaching sessions by HumaNext president to guide you on your training topic, facilitation and coaching delivery, marketing your services, and other business critical success factors. ($600 value)
9- Promoting you and your work four times to readers of our Humanext newsletter ($800 value)
10- You may order more of any of our assessments at 50% off or more depending on volume
You always wanted to help people become their best selves.
To coach them to discover and grow their strengths.
To train them to work together to achieve great goals.
HumaNext is an innovative American training company with 23 years of success. We are committed to helping you become a trainer who changes cultures.
At HumaNext Training, our mission is to help trainers elevate their influence and income. As a Partner, you will receive the training and materials you need to deliver world-class workshops to employees or clients unlimited times and keep all revenues.
You will also receive our powerful, innovative assessments to offer to your team or sell to your clients and keep the revenues.
You will receive the same quality training materials used by our clients among America's leading organizations. See some of their names and learn more below.
Ready to take the first step toward transforming your business? Our Partner Program gives you everything you need to start and grow a training business virtually or in-place. Learn more below.
Start your own training and coaching business with a wealth of ready-to-deliver programs for the low price of under $3000 - unheard of in the business start-up industry.
Get our entire Practitioner Library of six programs plus assessments plus other programs and benefits for significant savings and get your certificate in six weeks. You will get the following at a fraction of their price:
You start the process with our Heart & Mind Learning methodology. You will learn advanced creative training techniques that win the hearts and minds of participants no matter what topic you deliver. You will get a wealth of activities, opening and closing tactics, stories, models, inspiring concepts, and best practices. Even trainers with many years of experience told us that they learned much more from this program. You will significantly elevate your facilitation level to ensure you get repeat assignments.
You will receive the complete files that contain the Leader's Guide and PowerPoint Slides that you can use to incorporate into any training.
After significantly elevating your facilitation knowledge and skills with "Heart & Mind Learning" in step 1, you will start learning the workshop topic you selected. You may select just one topic for your certification, or you can save more by getting certified in two or three topics at slightly higher fees, and receive the files for all.
Select from our popular workshops shown in the image on top.
You will have the complete materials to deliver your workshop virtually or face to face.
See the image below for some of the programs available for your certification..
You can learn online and get certified to deliver the most needed topics today. You may choose from the following workshop topics:
You will do a few "action-learning" assignments that will help you gain a mastery level of the different training elements. Will get written feedback plus live coaching session(s) to refine your skills. At the end of the process you will be emailed the documents of your certification with your name, date, and the topic of certification. You will also receive the complete files of the Facilitator's Guide, Reproducible Participant Workbook, and a set of PowerPoint slides for each workshop so you can deliver the training unlimited times to employees or clients.
Hi Francois: I had my first run of the Applying EQ at Work workshop with the management team of Samsung (a multinational Korean firm here in the Philippine with 4000 employees). The 2 day seminar worked really fine and they all left with so many "take home benefits" .
I am so proud to share this good news. Thanks for all the knowledge. I had so much fun imparting these skills to my participants. Best regards.
- Ging Igual, Consultant, The Philippines
American Public University System's Testimony:
The Humanext Bootcamp training was one of the best conference / workshops I have been to in years. Excellent conference / workshop!
Dr. Grady Batchelor, CM, CMC®
Associate Vice President, Center for Teaching & Learning,
American Public University System
"I have weaved some of the concepts (of HumaNext materials) into what I am doing here at the Army... (it) creates a cooperative and cohesive environment, where people are motivated to use their collective synergy to find solutions to their unique challenges."
- Andy Kirkpatrick,
CERDEC Executive Coaching Program Director Employee Resources Services US Army
You can learn online and get certified to deliver the most needed topics today. From emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, creativity and innovation, inclusion, diversity and bias, to employee renewal and resilience, lead the change, happiness, critical conversations, relation-shift and leader-shift.
The quality and power of our programs are attested to by some of the top training leaders in America. Read some of their testimonials on this page.
What Certification Means:
Our tested "Heart & Mind Learning" facilitation methodology has elevated the impact and quality of training for over 20 years. You get it with all certifications.
And with "Heart & Mind Learning" wealth of advanced facilitation techniques, stories, activities, models, examples, challenges, concepts, and discussions, you will be able to facilitate any training topic with power and impact.
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